Friday, January 29, 2010

Miley Sur Mera Tumhara & After

The new version of MSMT is a plain disaster. Everytime saner minds point out that Bollywood extends its pernicious influence too deeply into our daily lives, they are hushed up by the Janta as being too elitist.

But this time the jokers who have produced this new version have clearly gone too far. They are attacking the core values of a whole generation of young Indians who remember and cherish the 1988 version. Many of us still get a lump in our throat when we hear the old version.

Many adverse reviews of this new version, PMSMT, have been put on the Net and some are decidedly funny. - a sterling example even compared ARR's new gizmo sounds to those produced by an Oscilloscope in an Electronic Lab!

Better sense must prevail on TOI and others involved with this new version. It needs to be yanked off the TV Channels.

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